Pantribe Summercamp and Gathering brings you top-of-the-line teachers and performers for an immersive 5-day program in the beautiful setting of Koningsteen in Belgium.
Learn from top teachers David Charrier, Adam Maalouf, Dan Mulqueen, Amy Naylor and Andrea Szabadi in the best conditions. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced player, the content is adapted to 4 different skill levels in small groups. Every evening there will be intimate unplugged concerts with the teachers.
On Friday and Saturday, it's time for the serious stuff... And what an amazing line-up we have for you this year! Manu Delago will bring his environ-me show, David Charrier and Dan Mulqueen have prepped some amazing work for you, we have Kabeçao back on stage, Adam Maalouf will amaze you with Middle Eastern rhythms, Loris Lombardo will bring his amazing percussion skills, enchanting Andrea Szabadi, Mar Loi, Amy Naylor and Marlia will make you dream away.
Edoardo Ponticelli and Nicola Stenico will bring you their new project OPAL, and we finally have Thierry Bleton performing in Belgium, followed by his countryman/ woman Laurent Sureau and Nadia with OWA...
Further, we have amazing Belgian players: Benny Bettane, Romain Geuzaine, Gerard Spencer, Robin Scott, Olive... and more talent bringing their latest projects on stage.