Come enjoy a FREE community event by Asheville Rhythm to explore HANDPANS!
Whether you already have and play handpans or even if you have never heard of them, this will be a fun and informative event, featuring some of the area's premier handpan builders, performers, and teachers!
Learn about these newly emerging and evolving instruments: how to play them, where to get them, and how to properly care for them.
There will be some instruments provided to use during the demo classes for those who do not already have their own. Please share these with others who attend so that everyone gets to experience it.
Demo performances and intro CLASSES will be presented by world-touring performer/ composer/ teacher, Adam Maalouf and Spirit Handpan creator, Rebecca Dancyger, who each have a more in-depth class series coming up at Asheville Rhythm Studio. This is a great opportunity to experience each teacher.
Demo performances and presentations will also be given by Mark Garner (creator of Saraz Handpans) and Josh Rivera (creator of Rivera Steel Tuning and Veritas Sound Sculpture).
Scheduled presentations will span from 2pm-4pm on Saturday, March 12th. We will keep the space open a little while after that for some jamming and socializing.
Learn more:
Event brought to you by:
Asheville Rhythm
Demo class and performance by:
Adam Maalouf
Demo class and performance by:
Rebecca Dancyger
Demo performance and presentation by:
Mark Garner
Demo performance and presentation by:
Josh Rivera